Reflecting Florida Event at East End Market

On Sunday, October 19, thirteen authors gathered at East End Market in Orlando to present at an all-day event titled REFLECTING FLORIDA: HOW AGRICULTURE, ART & ACTIVISM SHAPE OUR STATE. Dale Slongwhite, author of Fed Up: The High Costs of Cheap Food, was one of the presenters. She brought both quilts and set up the red quilt close to the podium where it was visible during every presentation and in every photo taken of every presenter. She hung an informational quilt brochure to the pole of each quilt, and also had on display a poster with photos of six farmworkers. Approximately sixty people attended the event and many were touched by the stories of the farmworkers. They spoke to Dale afterwards and some purchased the book through Bookmark It, one of the sponsors of the event.

The day ended with a reception featuring Bill Belleville, a well-known writer and activist for Florida's water.


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