Toxic Tour of Lake Apopka on Jan. 18, 2013

AmeriCorps volunteers from the Hope Community Center, graduate students from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, from Wheeling, West Virginia, the Director of Volunteers Exploring Vocation with The Fund for Theological Education,  and from Baltimore, the Associate Director of Notre Dame Mission Volunteers.  They toured Lake Apopka in 3 vans on Friday, Jan 18, 2012, a chilly, windy day.

Former Lake Apopka  farmworkers and community activists, Linda Lee and Betty Dubose,  accompanied the visitors and shared stories of their experiences, activities, problems from their years in the fields around Lake Apopka.  They answered the visitors’ many questions and vividly described their former work conditions which helped to draw for us all a picture of the lake area when it was still farm land.

Listening to the tales of injustice and seeing the effects of the decades of pesticides on the lake and for the farmworkers served to provide the visitors with a deeper understanding of farmworker and environmental realities.


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