FAMU Law Students on Toxic Tour of Lake Apopka!
Five students from FAMU
Law School in Orlando, FL visited the Farmworker Association office in Apopka
on Oct. 6, 2012. Each of them is working
on a different Environmental and Social Justice project for their degree
program. Their projects are all very worthy,
very important studies.
Look out world – here come some really impassioned lawyers!!
At the office they
viewed the documentary, Out of the Muck,
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdvzw1sO68A) an excellent film by former Rollins College students, which led to discussions about Lake Apopka
history and restoration, and to specific farmworker problems related to laws
(lack of), pesticides, illnesses, housing, and abuse. One of the quilts was displayed and
explained, and then the students went on the Toxic Tour of Lake Apopka where
the saw, up close, the lack of progress on the restoration of the lake.
The tour continued through
Apopka city and a highlight was the visit to the Apopka Community Gardens. Lots of flowers, vegetables, smells and tastes! http://apopkacommunitygarden.com/
The finale, as rain clouds approached,
was a wonderful meeting with Geraldean Matthew where the students were very moved by
her real-life stories of the struggles and neglect of the farmworkers.
The students felt the experience both saddened and inspired them, but, most importantly, motivated them to go out and make a positive difference in the world around them.
The students felt the experience both saddened and inspired them, but, most importantly, motivated them to go out and make a positive difference in the world around them.
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